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#130: What's the Point of a Warm Compress

Oct 20, 2021

Over the last few years, the number and styles of warm compress masks have exploded.  There are masks that you microwave, plug in to a computer, track with an app, use once and throw away, and even a mask you can wear while continuing to watch TV or scroll social media.  It's amazing what our imaginations can design.


Using a warm compress mask is part of the 4-simple steps I recommend to all of my patients when starting a dry eye treatment regimen.   


I recommend using four simple steps daily to treat your dry eyes.  If you're not sure what I mean by each of these steps, you can refer to this blog for a deeper explanation.  Here's an overview of the steps:


  1. Hydrate: Use an artificial tear to refresh and replenish your tear film.
  2. Harmonize:  Cleanse the bacteria populating your lids and lashes.
  3. Heat:  Melt the oil trapped in your meibomian glands with a warm compress.
  4. Heal: Give your body the building blocks of healthy tears using a supplement.


In the third step, you want to use a warm compress on your eyes to loosen the oil that's clogged in your eyelids.  Your eyelids contain more than 4 dozen oil glands called meibomian glands.  They produce the oils that coat the front surface of your eyes and keep your tears inside your eyes instead of allowing them to evaporate out into the world.


Generally, I recommend to my patients that they use a warm compress mask one to two times a day.  But, you can use a warm compress anytime you are ready for some quick relief from you dry and scratchy eyes. 


How Hot Does it Need to be?

 Studies have shown that the ideal temperature to melt the oils trapped in the meibomian glands is at least 42 degrees Celsius or 108 degrees Fahrenheit.  Now, that is the temperature that needs to reach the oil inside the glands.  These glands are on the inside of your eyelid.  So, the temperature at the surface needs to be even higher.

How does Infra-Red Technology Help?

 The UNClog mask uses infrared technology.  The infra-red component allows the heat to penetrate the eyelids and target the level of the meibomian glands.  Therefore, the heat is not concentrated at the level of the skin.  This makes the mask ideal for those who suffer from Acne Rosacea.   You can heat up the glands without leaving your eyelids looking red and inflamed afterwards.

How Long Do You Use Them?

Studies have shown that to get adequate melting of oils, you need to heat the glands for at least 15 minutes.  Again, I like using the Unclog mask because it has an automatic shut off timer.  The lowest time setting on the mask is 20 minutes.  It does take the element a couple of minutes to heat up to that optimal temperature, so the 20 minute setting is perfect. 



Using a warm compress mask is a great part of a daily dry eye treatment regimen.  For a review of all of the masks currently on the market at the end of 2020, check out this blog

Melting the oils that become trapped inside of the eyelids needs to be done on a consistent basis.  Our modern lifestyle of digital device use, diets low in Omega-3 fatty acids, and makeup wear all contribute to clogging of these oil glands.



Being consistent with your dry eye care is of the ultimate importance to getting the comfort you desire.  So, using a mask that is convenient and comfortable is important.  But, you also want to choose one that works effectively to loosen the oils.

Once the oils are released from your meibomian glands, you will feel an immediate sense of comfort.  The oils coat your tear film and prevent the moisture from leaving your eye too quickly. 

Before you perform any warm compress, please remember to remove your eye makeup.  I also like to follow that with a lid cleanser.  If you don't have a favorite makeup remover don't forget to download the list of makeup removers for sensitive eyes here.

I can't wait to talk with you again soon.  I'll reveal my favorite warm compress mask.  Stay tuned…


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