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Best Eye Care Tips for Summer

Jun 13, 2020
Summer is coming and things are going to look a bit different than they did this Spring.  Can I get a hallelujah for that?  More time spent out of our houses and outdoors!  And, at least in my family, summer means water.  More time in the pool and lake.
There are a couple of changes we need to make in our eye care routine to make sure our dry, sensitive eyes stay happy and healthy this season.  If you don't have an eye care routine yet, what are you waiting for?  Check out this blog to learn the 4-simple steps to a great eye care routine.
Now, all that extra fun, sun, and swimming require a couple of additions to keep our peepers performing like champs.  Keep reading to learn the 5 best summer eye care tips: 


 Tip #1) Summer Proof your Beauty Routine

I wrote at length about the changes you should make to your beauty routine in a previous blog here.  But, I would like to recap the 3 changes:
1) Remove your eye makeup before bed.  Now, you all know by now, how important this is during any season of the year.  In fact, removing your eye makeup nightly is my GOLDEN RULE of makeup wear.  But, summer presents some additional challenges like longer days and more activities.
Especially now that we are all enjoying some extra mobility in our lives this summer of 2020.  I wanted to introduce you to a completely portable eye makeup remover for your go-getter lifestyle.  My favorite Makeup remover wipes for summer are Eyes are the Story Eye Proof Refreshing Towelettes
These wipes are great for getting every last trace of mascara and eyeliner off.  And, the wipes were designed by a team of eye doctors who have your visual health in mind.  They are packaged individually, so you can throw one in your purse, gym bag, and pool bag so that you always have them handy.  Use the code: winkwink to get 20% off your first order.
2) Never use waterproof mascara.  Many of my patients tell me they have switched to using a waterproof mascara either because their dry eyes run too much or they want their mascara to stay on in the summertime because of humidity or water activities. 
However, waterproof mascara has ingredients that dry out your eyelashes causing them to become brittle and break easily.  And, these same ingredients can clog the delicate oil glands in your lids and prevent them from providing you with the proper composition of tears.
My favorite mascara is something new to the market, Eyes are the Story Eye Proof Mascara.  I love this mascara because it looks great, and doesn't irritate my sensitive eyes.  And, it doesn't melt from your face or flake off at the end of the day. Use the code: winkwink to get 20% off your first order.
 3) Add sunscreen to your eyelids.  Most of us rub sunscreen all over our faces this time of year, yet we neglect to put it on our lids.  The skin on your lids is just as important to protect as the skin on your forehead.  Perhaps even more so because the lids are so delicate and prone to sags, bags, and wrinkles - all of which are signs of sun damage. 
Here are some great sunscreens which are safe for use on the lids: Beautycounter Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 20 if you are wearing foundation, or Countersun Mineral Sunscreen Lotion with SPF 30 if you aren't wearing makeup.

Tip #2) Wear Sunglasses Every Day

It's important to protect them from UV light any time you are outdoors.  When your eyes are sensitive, any other irritant will bother them more.  So, when your eyes are dry, sunlight can be almost unbearable. 
For a deep dive into the best sunglasses for dry eye sufferers, please read this blog.  It reviews styles, sizes, tints, polarizing, mirroring, and more.  You will be able to pick the best pair to fit your face and your lifestyle. If you spend a fair amount of time outdoors, or you live in a windy location, try to find a sunglass with side protection or a wrap-around style. 

Tip #3) Wear daily disposable contact lenses

When you are outdoors for long periods of time or spending any amount of time in the water, keeping your contact lenses clean becomes paramount.   Traditional contact lens cleaning solutions may not be getting your contacts completely free of dust, dirt, pollen, and bacteria.
Using a daily disposable contact lens will ensure that your contact lenses are always as clean as possible.  Every morning, you will start off with a sterile contact lens fresh out of the package.  Personally I think, "new contact lens feel" is even better than "new car smell". 
There is something refreshing about opening a new pair of contacts and how it feels on our eyes.  Check out this article to learn about the best contact lenses for your dry eyes.  And, daily disposable contact lenses do not need to be cleaned at the end of the day.  Since you are throwing the lenses out at the end of each day, you don't have to worry about extra bottles of cleanser and solution. 

Tip #4) Water and Contact lenses don't Mix

When you wear contact lenses, water can be your enemy.  By this I mean any kind of water: shower water, sink water, lake water, pool water, and ocean water.  There are chemicals, bacteria, and even parasites living in each of these kinds of water.  Even water you think is clean can harbor irritants and microorganisms which can cause irritation and infections if left on your eye all day.
Eye infections can lead to loss of vision.  Some infections leave behind scars on the front surface of the eye.  If this scar is in the wrong place, it can block or distort your vision.  You will want to avoid contact lens wear if you are around water. 
Here are 3 things you can try instead:
1)Prescription goggles: It’s great to be able to see well while you are swimming. Consider prescription goggles to get better vision without the risk of infection.  Check these out on Amazon.  Can you believe you can get swim goggles in your basic prescription for under $20?  Now, that's an irresistible offer for your eyes.
2) Prescription Sunglasses:  Glasses can be made into sunglasses very easily.  You can choose any prescription grade frame and have the lenses tinted and even polarized to give you the darkness level you prefer. 
It is more difficult, however, to choose any sunglass frame and have your prescription put in them.  Sunglasses tend to have bigger lenses that curve or wrap around.  These styles are difficult to put a prescription in because the curvature distorts the power.  
However, there are a couple of sports sunglasses available that have wrap-around sunglasses with prescription inserts.  This is a great article that lists a half dozen sunglass brands available with prescription inserts.
3) Artificial Tears: Anytime you are in the water, use an artificial tear to rinse your eyes afterward. Simply rinsing your eyes can remove excess pollen and chlorine from your eyes.  Plus refreshing your tear film on a hot day can feel as good as a cool drink.  Check out the guide to artificial tears here. 

Tip #5)  Get your Z's

With these longer days, you must not get your normal 7 to 9 hours of sleep.  We tell ourselves things like, I will catch up on sleep this weekend, or when this big project for work is done.  But the truth is all adults need this much rest for their bodies to work properly.
In this article from Scientific American, the idea of sleep dept is explained.  Not getting your proper number of Zzz's leads to sleep deprivation.  And, short-term sleep deprivation leads to a foggy brain, worsened vision, impaired driving, and poor memory. Long-term effects include weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, and heart disease.  Most Americans suffer from chronic deprivation.
Here are 3 ways to make sure you are getting every hour of sleep you deserve each night:
#1) Stick to a bedtime routine:  No matter what day of the week it is, go to bed at the same time.  It's important to have your eyes closed during the peak hours of rest.  This happens between 10 PM to 2 AM every night.  Going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time every day is a routine that lets your body thrive.
#2) Blackout curtains:  Eliminating all of the light in the room enables your body to rest better.  Any light hitting your eyes while sleeping can disrupt your sleep cycles.  The blue light coming from the sun may wake you up earlier in the morning than you want when it comes pouring in through a window.  Blue light stimulates the production of the hormone serotonin and wakes the body up. 
And, the blue light coming from your phone at 2 AM, when a text alert wakes you, will have the same effect on the release of serotonin.  So, avoid electronic devices after 10 PM as well.
#3) Sleep Mask:  If blackout curtains just don't do the trick and make your room dark enough, consider sleep goggles. These goggles provide complete light blocking and a moisture chamber. My favorite sleep goggle is EyeSeals 4.0.  This style is great for  CPAP users.  And, there is also a smaller design for more petit faces.


Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors.  Extra sunshine and water sports are abundant.  Taking a couple of extra precautions to safeguard your sensitive eyes will go a long way in allowing you to enjoy the season.  Here are my top 5:
1) Change up your beauty routine by always remembering to remove your eye makeup before bed.  A portable makeup remover wipe is a perfect addition this time of year.  Don't start wearing waterproof mascara because of extra humidity or time spent on the water.  Stick to a great brand of mascara like Eyes Are the Story.  And, use sunscreen on your eyelids to defend against signs of aging.
2) Wear sunglasses when you are outdoors.  UV light can cause signs of aging on your skin, cataracts, and macular degeneration.  Protecting your eyes from the sun is even more important when your eyes are already sensitive from dryness.  Choose a pair with side panels or a wraparound style for the best protection.  
3) Switch to daily-disposable contact lenses for convenience and comfort.  They are available in many different styles and powers.  Even if you weren't able to wear a daily-disposable contact lens years ago, the technology is changing quickly.  It may include your power now.
4) Avoid getting water in your eyes.  Use prescription goggles at the pool, lake, or ocean.  Prescription sunglasses can keep you from wearing your contact lenses too much in the summer months too.  And, use an artificial tear to rinse your eyes after outdoor or water activities.  Artificial tears can be very refreshing if you use one suited to your lifestyle.  Check out this guide to choose the best one.
5) Continue to get plenty of rest.  Don't let these longer days fool you into skimping on your sleep.  Sticking to a set bedtime no matter the day of the week or the season of the year is the best way to ensure adequate sleep.  Utilize blackout curtains or dark sleep goggles to block light and enable you to sleep plenty of hours.
Keeping your eyes healthy today will ensure your #Vision will last you a lifetime.  

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