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The 5 Worst Things To Put On Your Eyes

Jul 29, 2019
Technology is evolving constantly.  And, medicine is evolving at a faster rate than ever before.  Because of this, there are products and practices that we eye doctors used to recommend to our patients, that we now know are not beneficial. 
Today, I will reveal five things your eye doctor may have told you to use that are bad for dry eye sufferers.  I'm sorry to say that we just didn't know any better.  But, now that we do, I need you to change some of your habits around.  Let's get to it.
Baby Shampoo
I always feel bad when a patient tells me that they use baby shampoo to clean their eyes.  I know that an eye doctor told them to do it.  Even as early as five years ago,  I also told my patients to clean their eyelids with baby shampoo.  It is what we believed to be goo...
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Summer Eye Care Tips

Jul 21, 2019
This week's blog post is inspired by We Love Eyes.  Dr. Tanya Gill has shared with us her 6 tips for Summer Eye Care downloadable PDF.  This blog is my take on the six tips to living your best life this summer. 

TIP 1 

Wear your sunglasses outdoors.  I reviewed this in detail a few weeks back.  Check out the sunglasses blog here.  It is very important to wear your sunglasses to reduce the harmful UV rays that are getting to all of the different layers of your eyes.  In July, sunlight can be brilliant.  Your eyes are already dry, red and irritated.  Anything that adds stress to your system will add to your already irritated eyes.  It will make your symptoms worse.
In addition, sunglasses block harmful UV rays that can cause problems on the front surface of the eye like pterygium and p...
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The 3 Worst Makeup Removers

Jul 14, 2019
One of the questions I am asked most often in my clinic is, "What is the best makeup remover to use for dry, or sensitive eyes?"  After I give my list to patients (get your own list here), I follow it with a couple of things I don't recommend. 
Then, I often get the same follow-up comment.   It usually goes something like this, “But, I have used product X since I was a teenager.  How can it be bad for my eyes?“  I would like to point out here that these patients are in my clinic complaining of dry eye symptoms. So, maybe they’re brand of makeup remover hasn’t been working out so well for them.
The most common "things" my patients are using to remove their make up are Vaseline, cold cream, baby shampoo.  Notice that I said things here, not makeup removers.  None of these are specifi...
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Makeup Removers

Jul 12, 2019
Removing our makeup every night is the first step in keeping a beautiful complexion.  We all want to have beautiful clear skin and we know that we must remove our makeup nightly to keep it clear.
Removing your eye makeup nightly is truly the best way to getting and keeping our eyes clear and bright.  It can make a big difference in how your eyes feel, especially the next morning.  You won't wake up with your eyelashes glued together with yesterday's mascara.  Ugh, that's just gross.
Patients ask me, on a daily basis, what the best makeup removers are for those of us with sensitive eyes or who wear contact lenses.  I have done a lot of research looking into makeup removers that I could wholeheartedly recommend to my patients. 
All of the makeup removers on the list are free of t...
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Want Beautiful Lashes

Jul 01, 2019

In recent years, there has been an obsession with having long and full eyelashes in fashion and it has penetrated mainstream society.  I think we have always wanted to have long, full lashes.  We associate these long, fluttery lashes with beauty.  And, in the last 5 - 7 years tons of lash salons have popped up in every city. 

Many of my friends and patients ask me questions about eyelash enhancers and ways they can get their lashes to look longer and more full.   And, I think it is time to have that conversation here.  But, I realized that we needed to have a discussion about developing your own healthy set of lashes first.   

 Before you start thinking about making your lashes longer, you need to know whether or not your lashes are healthy.  There may be a reason your lashes aren't as f...

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Get whiter, brighter looking eyes now

Jun 25, 2019

White, bright eyes are a sign of health and beauty in our society.  More so, having eyes that are constantly red and irritated looking is a reason for significant embarrassment at work or in social settings.  No one wants their co-workers asking if they have had enough sleep last night, or if you are feeling okay because you don’t look so well.  Worse yet, we don’t want people speculating behind our backs that we may have been out late drinking last night.     

Having dry, sensitive eyes is a chronic condition.  And, although you may be working on restoring your own eyes to health through the 4-step plan I provide for you in my book, Alleviate Dry Eye, you could be experiencing a temporary flare up in your dry eyes.  Click here to purchase your own copy of the book.   

These flare-ups ca...

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Travel Tips for Sensitive Eyes

Jun 18, 2019

Summer is a great time of year for everyone to get out and travel.  When you get to your destination, you want to look fresh and ready to experience something new.  However, the extra dry conditions of airplanes and even cars can make our eyes look red, puffy, and tired.  Being prepared with a few extra goodies in your carry-on bag and your checked bag can make all the difference in how you see, look, and feel. 

In this blog, you will learn what to pack, how to prepare yourself before you travel, the best ways to stay hydrated while traveling, and how to refresh yourself once you reach your destination.  We all deserve to show up looking and feeling great for our adventure to begin.  I have also included a printable packing list you can keep handy while preparing for your trip to ensure y...

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Make your Dry Eye Treatment more Green

Jun 11, 2019

When you have dry eye disease your eyes are very sensitive.  You may find that anything you add to them stings, burns, irritates or otherwise makes them worse.  Preservatives can be especially irritating to your eyes and over time the buildup of preservatives can cause increased redness and irritation.   

The top things eye care practitioners advise to avoid these preservatives are preservative-free drops and daily disposable contact lenses.  Here, I will cover why this is great advice, other contact lens options, and what we can do to reduce our waste products by using these types of disposable products.  

Why preservative-free? 

Preservatives are used in bottled artificial tears, medicated drops, and contact lens cleaners to prevent bacteria from growing in the bottle.  Preservatives ...

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The Best Sunglasses for Dry Eye Sufferers

Jun 06, 2019

When you have dry eyes, everything seems to make them worse. Your eyes are already irritated, anything like wind, dirt, dust, and even pollen makes your eyes feel more irritated.  How do you continue to look cool and keep your eyes feeling good all summer long?  When you are outdoors, it is important to protect your eyes not only from the elements blowing into your eyes but also from UV light.  Let's discuss your sunglasses.  There are 3 things you want to look for in a pair of good sunglasses: protection, tint, and style. 


Ultra Violet light: 

The first thing you want to look for in a sunglass is that it has the best UVA and UVB protection you can find.  The glasses need to be labeled with a sticker that says at least 98% UV blocking.  The higher the blocking the better.  I...

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The Best Contact Lens Cleaner for Dry Eye Sufferers

May 30, 2019

It’s summertime! We are all glad to be out in the sunshine and enjoying ourselves outdoors. Many patients tell me they would like to wear their contact lenses more in the summer so they can wear their sunglasses.  Also, since most climates are a little less dry in the summer, dry eye sufferers find they can tolerate their contact lenses better this time of year. 

With wearing your contact lenses more of the time, there are a few things to keep in mind.  We will go over: the golden rule, the best cleaner to use for your contact lenses, and how to clean your lenses properly.   

The Golden Rule 

Since you are wearing your contact lenses more often in the summer it is important to remember the Golden Rule about contact lenses.  If you have read my book, Alleviate Dry Eye, you know there is ...

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