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Why Are My Eyes Dry?

Apr 29, 2019

My patients often ask me why their eyes are so dry.  They feel like the symptoms may have come on suddenly, but the truth is that it was more likely to be a lot of little things that added up over a long period of time. 

Our bodies are very complex organisms. They have tasks that are being done all day long without us even thinking about it.  In our eyes, the tear film needs to be replenished constantly.  This means that you are continuously producing tears, and they are flowing out of your eyes all day long.

However, there are many reasons why your body will slow the production of the tears it needs.  In my book, Alleviate Dry Eye, Chapter 1 reviews the reasons for not producing enough tears extensively.  If you haven’t done so yet,...

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Help! I can't see to put on my makeup anymore,

Apr 22, 2019

After the age of 40, have you noticed you are having a hard time putting your makeup on in the morning?  You used to be able to see yourself clearly in the mirror, but now your eye is a blur.  As an eye doctor and a woman over the age of 40, I know how frustrating this can be.  We all deserve to have clear, comfortable vision, and we don’t want to feel less put together because of our age. 

You are not at fault for this change in your vision.  Most patients describe it to me as something that happens all of a sudden.  One day, they are putting their makeup on in the bathroom, and the next day they can’t.  Let me assure you, it was not something that you did which caused the change.  It is simply a part of our aging process.  Watch...

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Snowballs in April

Apr 15, 2019

What! Dr. T, what are you talking about now? I know you must think I’m crazy (or maybe that I’ve just move back to Syracuse), but today I’d like to talk about snowballs. I’m not speaking of the fluffy white snow packed into a perfect round ball kind of snowballed though. I’m talking about small events that happened one after another that add up to something bigger. 

Several years ago, my husband learned about Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey teaches financial peace. He has a radio show, books and courses all about getting people out of debt and achieving financial peace.  One of his methods is something he calls the debt snowball. 

Debt snowball in a nut shell: 

1) Line up all of your debts from smallest amount...

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The latest technology in light intelligence

Apr 09, 2019

The spring season is also bringing us longer days.  Longer days mean more exposure to UV light.  And, as you know, UV light can be harmful to our eyes.  It can lead to the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration.  Protecting our eyes and our skin from these harmful rays is very important.   

Acuvue Oasys just launched a new line of contact lenses with Transitions technology The transition technology means that the contact lens darkens when UV light hits them.  We were one of the first offices in Shreveport to be able to try the lenses for ourselves and our patients.  Acuvue Oasys with Transitions lenses contain the light changing technology you have in your...

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3 Tips to stay in your Contact Lenses this Spring

Apr 02, 2019

Spring is such a nice time of year to enjoy the great outdoors.  However, in many places in the U.S., the pollen counts climb very high this time of year.  Eye allergies can be a burden to your eyes especially if they are already dry.   

If you want to continue wearing your contact lenses, you may have to do a little extra work this time of year.  Here are three steps you can take to keep your eyes happy while wearing contact lenses.  

No. 1) Wraparound Sunglasses 

Wear wraparound sunglasses when you are outdoors. When you are wearing your contact lenses outdoors, it is best to protect your eyes with sunglasses.  In the springtime, wraparound sunglasses will decrease the amount of pollen getting to your eyes. This type of sunglasses...

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Practically Free Contact Lens Tips

Mar 25, 2019

Contact lenses wear can bring us both utter joy and misery.  Many of us feel uncomfortable in glasses, whether it is the way you look in them, or how you see out of them.  In some of us, our vision is distorted with glasses, because of higher prescriptions usually.  So, we want to wear our lenses the majority of the time. 

Unfortunately, contact lenses are not always comfortable, especially when you already suffer from dry eyes.  The lenses will sting and burn by the end of the day.  You may have to take them out before you are ready for bed.  Or, you feel like you are dumping tears over them all day to keep them comfortable. 

Follow these simple and (mostly) FREE steps to keep your contacts more comfortable:   


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Stop Springtime Eye Allergies with These Simple Tricks

Mar 20, 2019

Red, itchy, watery eyes can make anyone miserable.  Spring is a great season to be outside. However, for allergy sufferers, this time of year can be agony.  And, when you add dry eyes to the mix, spring allergy symptoms worsen.  Here are some tips to keep you as happy as the sunshine this time of year: 

Know your Allergens 

In this case, knowing what you are allergic to can be game-changing for how you navigate this allergy season.  If you don’t know what you are allergic to, schedule an appointment for allergy testing.  The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology has a great tool to help you find an Allergist in your area: 

Once you know your allergy triggers,...

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