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Superfoods That Boost Your Immune System

Dec 15, 2019

As the weather changes and temperatures drop, the sounds of sneezing and
sniffling surround us. Many of us are just expecting to get sick, feeling as if it's
unavoidable. If you eat the right foods and take the proper precautions, you could
strengthen your immune system and avoid getting sick this year. In addition, you
can be creating a solid foundation for optimizing your health in the future. Here
are five powerful immune-boosting superfoods that can help your body fight off
sickness and infections.

1. Garlic

Garlic adds so much flavor to food. Increase the use of this herb-like vegetable
during cold and flu season. Its health benefits come from a sulfur compound
called allicin. Raw is best and allowing the garlic to sit for a few minutes after crushing
or mincing will allow the allicin to f...

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My Top 3 Eye Indulgences

Dec 10, 2019

It's the Christmas season as I write this.  We are all running around trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on our list.  We want to make sure the gift is personal and not gonna end up in the re-gifting bin. 

I have a friend that loves candles.  She has them lit all over her house.  It always smells like a bakery at her house.  When you go from room to room there is a different cookie or food scented candle in each one.  There is usually apple, sugar cookie, and gingerbread.  No wonder, I'm always hungry when I'm over there. 

The week of Thanksgiving, I made a list of the ultimate gift-giving guide for 2019.  I put on it some of the best eye care products I've come across.  I feel like I have tried them all of the eye treatment products at this point.  I have listed over a half do...

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Got Red Eyes? Start Here.

Dec 04, 2019
One of the most common questions I am asked every day is: "Why are my eyes so red?"  It turns out that having red eyes is very embarrassing to everyone, no matter your age or sex. My patients are always wanting to hide their red eyes so that no one will see them.  They worry about what others are thinking about them when their eyes are red.
I was very bothered by the same symptoms myself when I first started practicing optometry.  My eyes were red and irritated all the time.  We had just moved to the high desert of Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The dry air there really gave my eyes a hard time.  I was so embarrassed every day at work when my eyes were red and irritated.
I thought to myself, "I wouldn’t see a dentist who had bad teeth.  Why would anyone see an eye doctor with red eyes?“...
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2019 Ultimate Gift Giving Guide

Nov 26, 2019

The holidays are upon us.  For some of us, this news feels us with happiness and joy.  For others, it fills us with stress and anxiety.   I hate to admit to you that I am definitely the latter of these two types of people.  It is not that I don't like Christmas.  I love the decorations, parties, food, and gatherings.  I just have stress about the gift-giving.  #truth

Let's face it, there are some people in our lives that are hard to give to.  And, I'm sure you have more people on your list each year.  The growth of my list always seems exponential.  How does that happen?

Let me present to you the 2019 Gift Giving Guide.  You will find something on it for everyone.  Even if you don't think that your friends and family have dry eyes, we all need to take care of our eyes.  Take care of your...

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5 Things you do with Makeup that Harm Your Eyes

Nov 17, 2019

We all make mistakes in our lives.  We know all the rules about how to take care of our bodies.  But, sometimes, even with the best intentions, we fall short.

For instance, we know we are supposed to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water every day.  Somedays, we fall short.  We also know that we are supposed to brush our teeth twice a day.  Every now and then, we fall short.  Even with our best intentions.

However, some of the best practices in eyecare just aren't as well known.  Here we will go over 5 of the worst things to do with your eye makeup that are harmful to your eyes.   

1. Not removing your makeup at the end of the day - makeup left at the base of your lashes allows bacteria to flourish and leave your lids red and swollen.

2. Wearing eyeliner on your waterlin...

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Your Eyelid's Role in Dry Eyes

Nov 13, 2019
Last week, a dry eye specialist from Edmond Oklahoma came to lecture to a group of eye doctors in Shreveport.  Dr. Selina McGee is an international speaker in dry eye education. 
I was able to interview and asked her to share her perspectives of dry eye disease with all of you.  Here she gives us the top three tips she likes to give her patients in her own office. 
Dr. Selina McGee


No. 1)  Avoid toxic ingredients in your self-care products.

Dr. McGee spends a lot of time looking at ingredients in her patient's makeup and creams they put around their eyes.  She has them bring them into the office, and then she reviews the ingredients with the patient.  She does this to ensure their personal care routine is aligned with having the best health of their eyes.
As you know, I spe...
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Help your Eyes Reset their Clocks

Nov 07, 2019
Daylight savings time has ended. Now, it is brighter in the morning when we wake up.  Maybe that makes it easier for some of us to get out of bed, but what does this have to do with our eyes?  I'm glad you asked.  Sleep has a big impact on how comfortable your eyes feel all day long.
Can you remember what your eyes felt like after pulling an "all-nighter" in college?  Oops, or was I the only one who did that trying to cram everything into my brain at the last minute thing? #Nerd
Or, maybe you remember when your kids were infants and you barely got any sleep?  Your eyes felt dry, scratchy, irritated, and you couldn’t even look at lights in the house, much less sunshine.
You wanted to walk around with your sunglasses on all day not only because your eyes were so red and angry loo...
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Do you want Spooky Eyes?

Oct 30, 2019
Halloween is such a fun time of year.  I love dressing up in costumes and having fun with friends.  Fun is great, but eye infections are bad.  Make sure your eyes are not the spookiest part of your Halloween costume.  Follow these 3 tips:

No. 1)  Contact lenses are not costumes

Creating a fun or ghoulish costume and enhancing your look with contact lenses can be a great addition to a fabulous costume.  Contact lenses are to be purchased through prescription only. They are not to be bought as part of a Halloween costume from a store, online, or worse, at a flea market.
Image result for spooky contact lenses
Costume contact lenses are like any other contact lenses in that they must be fit to your eyes by a doctor.  Then the doctor writes you a prescription for a specific type of lens and power.  That prescription is...
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3 Ways to Reduce Eye Redness

Oct 24, 2019

This past week, I got an up-close and personal reminder of how painful inflammation can be.  I was out on my morning run.  It is by far my exercise of choice for getting the blood flowing and clearing my mind.  

Well, I must not have been thinking about my feet because all of a sudden I was face down on the asphalt.  Ugh.  I rolled on to my back and saw stars all at the same time.  I am a true believer in the discomfort of inflammation.

Do you remember last week when we went over the 4 steps to alleviate your dry eye symptoms?  They are hydrate, harmonize, heat, and heal,  If you want to go back and review that blog again, just click here.

The fourth step - heal has to do with reducing inflammation.  I suggest taking an omega fatty acid supplement called HydroEye by ScienceBased health....

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4 Simple Steps to Alleviate Dry Eyes

Oct 16, 2019

Several years ago, I began to struggle with dry eyes.  This was at a time when I lived in a very dry climate, and I wore contact lenses most of the time. My eyes would get dry towards the end of my workday, and I couldn’t wait to take them off when I finally got home.   

Most days a couldn't stand to wear eye makeup.  I knew there must be a better way to live.  I couldn't go on with the feeling of wanting to claw the contact lenses from my eyes before 5 pm. 

I began to research how to keep moisture in my eyes longer.  I played around and tried every contact lens and contact lens cleaning solution on the market.  I definitely have my favorites from that experiment, but there was still something missing.   

Since then, I’ve read articles, attended lectures, and even written a book on the...

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