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Top 5 Books to Kickstart Your New Year's Resolutions

Jan 05, 2021

Happy New Year!

I love making new year's resolutions, and I do them every year.  For me, it is all about setting the intention of what I would like to work towards.  I like to take the time at the beginning of the year to think about all the steps to get me from where I am to where I would like to be.  I write them down and put them on my calendar so that it is not only an idea of how to get there but the exact path I need to follow.

Book #1

If you have been following me for a while, you know that every year I like to reread my favorite book by Jack Canfield, The Success Principles.  Reading this great book is one way I like to start off my new year.

The Success Principles book gives lots of ways that you can reach your goals.  It describes the 67 timeless principles and practices us...

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The Best of 2020

Dec 29, 2020

I know what a lot of you are thinking.  How could anything good have come out of 2020?  And, I totally get where you are coming from.  But, I am a glass-half-full kind of gal, and I implore you to take a hard look back at the year and find what you can truly be grateful for. 

It has been a difficult year for everyone on the planet.  No one was spared heartache this year.  I would like to take a moment to recollect the best things that have happened in the world of Dry Eye this year.

Best New Products

This year, two companies brought new products to the U.S. Dry Eye market.  Their products are amazing.  I couldn't be happier to be able to get my hands on them here.

Eyes Are The Story

This company was founded by a small group of dry eye experts who are active in dry eye research and e...

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New Year's Eve Eye Makeup that POPs

Dec 22, 2020

New Year's Eve is such a fun holiday, and many of us look forward to getting dressed up to go out. Hopefully, this year, even if it is just in your own living room or at your neighbor's house, you have found a way to celebrate. 

The makeup that you put around our eyes matters.  You can look great and take care of your eyes so that at the end of the night, your makeup is not streaming down your face.  No one wants to have red and irritated eyes during the party and especially not the next day either.

I've got 3 great tips to make your holiday makeup look great.  And, it will be healthy for your eyes as well.


#1) Mascara

Do not use waterproof mascara.  A lot of my patients with dry eyes switch to waterproof mascara so that it doesn't run down their cheeks when their eyes water.  But t...

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Will Sleeping Heal My Dry Eyes?

Dec 15, 2020

Sleep is very important to the health of your body, as it is the time that your eyes and your body repairs and rejuvenates themselves.  Often, I find that my patients with the driest eyes are very poor sleepers. 

In addition, with the winter season and the holidays going on right now, it may even be a little bit harder to get on a good sleep schedule.  Here are three tips to help you get good sleep this season, which will keep your eyes feeling healthy and happy.

#1) Set Up a Bedtime Routine

You probably have a time that you wake up every morning.  Maybe it's the same Monday through Friday and a little bit later on the weekends, but you have a strict guideline for waking up in order to get to work on time. 

However, not many adults have a set bedtime routine. And having a set bedtime i...

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Get Your Eyes Ready for Winter Weather

Dec 08, 2020

The winter season tends to be the driest time of year in many places around the world.  When the temperatures drop and everyone turns on their heaters, there's not a lot of moisture in the air.  And, that's just the indoor environment.  Outdoors the weather can be harsh with freezing temperatures, blowing wind, and extra UV light coming off of ice and snow.   

This is a really tough environment for anyone who suffers from dry eyes.  I want to go over three tips that you can use this winter to keep your eyes feeling moisturized and comfortable. And, I think you'll be a little bit surprised with the third tip.  

Tip #1) Use A Gel Artificial Tear Or Ointment At Bedtime 

It's nice to have that extra moisturizing gel in your eyes while you're sleeping in the winter.  When the air is so dry i...

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2020 Holiday Gift Guide

Dec 01, 2020

I love taking care of my eyes.  it makes them feel great when I do my daily treatment to them.  Then, I feel great knowing I've done something to help myself look and see my best.  I bet someone in your life loves to do that too.

My holiday gift guide contains all of my favorite products that I use to take care of my eyes on a daily basis. So, you can think about giving them as a gift to a loved one. The first two are brand new products that were just launched this year in 2020.  You can no longer say nothing good came out of this year.

#1) Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops 

I love this artificial tear. It's not like any other artificial tears on the market.  With most artificial tears it feels great at first, but then you feel just as dry as you did before you put it in.  Optase is differe...

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Taking Time to Give Thanks

Nov 24, 2020

Because it's the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to really give thanks for all the blessings in my life and in my business. 


I am thankful for your vision. To me, vision is the most precious of our five senses.  And, as an eye doctor, I feel that it is my duty to help you protect your vision to the best of my ability.  This is why I talk about caring for your eyes every day as part of your self care routine.  If you are not sure what I am referring to, please check out this blog.  And, my book, Alleviate Dry Eye, is all about the ways in which you can care for your eyes. 

This month is the two year anniversary of the release of Alleviate Dry Eye.  It is available in paperback and in Kindle version on Amazon.  So, if you haven't gotten a copy yet, check it out.  I ...

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Teeth vs. Eyes: Which Needs Daily Care?

Nov 17, 2020
What is the one thing we all do before heading out the door in the morning? 
No matter where we live, or where we work, we all do one thing before heading out the door. I don’t care how you were brought up, you do this one thing every day.  We all brush our teeth.  It’s ingrained in us.  And, it’s probably even one of the first things you do right after getting out of bed.
We brush our teeth because having bad breath is embarrassing.  But why do we have bad breath in the morning?  You haven’t eaten anything in hours.  Surely you brush your teeth before you went to bed as well. 

Why is our breath bad in the morning? 

Throughout the day when we are awake, we swallow multiple times a minute. The act of swallowing rinses away the bacteria that lives in our our mouth normally. ...
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The Ultimate Guide to Warm Compresses

Nov 10, 2020
Are your eyes feeling dry and gritty today?  Are they scratchy?  Or, do you feel like there's something in them all the time?  These are common symptoms my patients come to see me about.  And, there's something that you can do to help.
Studies say that about 85% of dry eye sufferers have some kind of dysfunction of their oil glands.  If your eyes are scratchy or feel like they've got something in them all the time, then a warm compress will help.  This is a simple step that can help those tired eyes feel more comfortable.   

What are Warm Compresses Used For?

A warm compress heats up the oil glands inside your eyelids, and the heat melts the oil that are clogged in there.  The oil can then flow out and onto your eyes.  The oil glands play an important role in keeping your eyes ...
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3 Tips to Beat Digital Eye Strain

Nov 03, 2020

Most of us are spending more and more time on our digital devices these days.  The new normal has been translated into trying to do everything we enjoy doing, only now we are using a device to do it.

No more in-person conferences, hello Zoom meetings.

No more coffee dates with friends, hello FaceTime.

No more shopping in stores, hello Amazon.

No more dinner at restaurants, hello Door Dash.

No more doctor's visits, hello telehealth.

Some of these things may be blessings, but they are leading to more complications down the road.  We are spending more and more time on digital devices to help us live our lives with less person to person contact. 

When we spend time using computers or digital devices, the number of times we blink per minute decreases.  The complication I see showing up...

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