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Practically Free Contact Lens Tips

Mar 25, 2019

Contact lenses wear can bring us both utter joy and misery.  Many of us feel uncomfortable in glasses, whether it is the way you look in them, or how you see out of them.  In some of us, our vision is distorted with glasses, because of higher prescriptions usually.  So, we want to wear our lenses the majority of the time. 

Unfortunately, contact lenses are not always comfortable, especially when you already suffer from dry eyes.  The lenses will sting and burn by the end of the day.  You may have to take them out before you are ready for bed.  Or, you feel like you are dumping tears over them all day to keep them comfortable. 

Follow these simple and (mostly) FREE steps to keep your contacts more comfortable:   


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Stop Springtime Eye Allergies with These Simple Tricks

Mar 20, 2019

Red, itchy, watery eyes can make anyone miserable.  Spring is a great season to be outside. However, for allergy sufferers, this time of year can be agony.  And, when you add dry eyes to the mix, spring allergy symptoms worsen.  Here are some tips to keep you as happy as the sunshine this time of year: 

Know your Allergens 

In this case, knowing what you are allergic to can be game-changing for how you navigate this allergy season.  If you don’t know what you are allergic to, schedule an appointment for allergy testing.  The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology has a great tool to help you find an Allergist in your area: 

Once you know your allergy triggers,...

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